Saturday, March 8, 2008

On Bedrest

I'm on Bedrest and going stir crazy! Dr said I am borderline pnuemonia and since I have a history of pnuemonia. (yup, had it before, it sucks), they arent taking any chances. Sent me home to bed, with antibiotics and some of the most worst tasting cough syrup you ever want to taste. All I have to say is thank heavens for my laptop. So what am I doing besides blogging, sleeping, coughing and watching TV? Crocheting! yup Working mostly on crochet flip flops for summer. They were a pretty good seller in my etsy shop last year , and I am hoping for the same this year.

I'm also working on my fuzzy caterpillar bookworm bookmarks. I am surprised at how popular they have become, but I am glad. They are going to make great Easter basket fillers this year. Working on a twist to the caterpillar bookmark as well. Something different, but it has a long tail. Its still on the design table so to speak - squeak, squeak.

Looking for some other crocheted items? Try browsing some other etsy shops. You'll be surprised at what you find. And the quality of handmade is second to none. LazyT has some awesome hats in her shop. You'll want to check her out.

I am constantly amazed at the treasures I find. I have been eyeing this little guy for a while now. Reminds me of my friend, Jenny. She loved giraffes. Her living room was done in a safari type theme, but her fave was the giraffe, and how excited she was when she was able to go to Busch Gardens and feed the giraffes, face to face.......well more or less. This little Georgie Giraffe though, is too cute for words. I know she'd love him! See what else is being offered at

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